11. Groundnuts
11.12 Human consumption
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Oilseeds Focus, Vol 8 No 1, March 2022, p54
Article - FEENEY M, DU TOIT G, ROBERTS G, SAYRE PH, LAWSON K, BAHNSON HT, SEVER ML, RADULOVIC S, PLAUT M, LACK G (2021) Impact of peanut consumption in the LEAP Study: Feasibility, growth, and nutrition.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 7 No 1, March 2021, p48, 49, 51
Article - BRIEDENHANN E (2018) Global food demand.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 4 No 3, September 2018, p2
Article - KRIS-ETHERTON PM, HU FB, ROS E, SABATE J (2018) The role of peanuts in the prevention of coronary heart disease.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 4 No 4, December 2018, p42-43
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