1. Soybeans
1.11 Statistics
1.11.1 International
- VERCUEIL (2022) World soya bean outlook: Many opportunities to grow hectares.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 8 No 2, June 2022, p40-41
Article - MULLER C (2022) The effect of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on world edible oil prices.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 8 No 2, June 2022, p43, 45, 47
Article - BRIEDENHANN E (2022) Grain, oilseeds and oil markets turn bearish.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 8 No 3, September 2022, p2
Article - VERCUEIL (2022) A shift from maize to soya beans.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 8 No 3, September 2022, p43, 45
Article - WILMAR V (2021) Understanding contributing factors in a year of rising feed costs.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 7 No 3, September 2021, p42-44
Article - INDEXBOX (2021) Demand from China bolsters soya bean production in the US and Brazil.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 7 No 3, September 2021, p45
Article - ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION DEVELOPMENT AND THE FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORG (2021) Global vegetable oils: Oilseeds and oilseed products.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 7 No 4, December 2021, p36, 37, 39, 41
Article - BRIEDENHANN E (2020) The world is turmoil.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 6 No 1, March 2020, p2
Article - STRINGHINI D (2020) Challenging times ahead for Argentina's soya bean crushers.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 6 No 1, March 2020, p29
Article - MALULEKE I (2020) The impact of COVID-19 on soya bean markets.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 6 No 2, June 2020, p28-29
Article - BARRETT A (2020) Long-term world soya bean outlook.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 6 No 3, September 2020, p34-35, 37
Article - UNITED SOYBEAN BOARD (2019) Global importers demand more soya beans: a US perspective.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 5 No 1, March 2019, p37
Article - STRYDOM D (2019) International market overview.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 5 No 1, March 2019, p37
Article - EMBRAPA, THE BRAZILLIAN AGRICULTURAL CORPORATION (2019) Does the increase in Brazilian soya bean production pose a threat to the Amazon?
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 5 No 4, December 2019, p13, 15
Article - STRAUSS J (2019) The US-China trade war and its impact on soya bean imports.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 5 No 4, December 2019, p28-29
Article - REPORT BY INDEXBOX (2019) The soya bean oilcake market in the European Union.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 5 No 4, December 2019, p36-37
Article - STRYDOM D (2018) High South African stock levels due to oilcake imports.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 4 No 2, June 2018, p35 & 37
Article - MARKOWITZ C (2018) Markets in Malawi and Zambia: Hindering soya bean growth?
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 4 No 2, June 2018, p40-41
Article - STRYDOM D (2016) Large international stock vs local drought pressure.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 2 No 2, March 2016, p23, 25
Article - ALL ABOUT FEED (2016) Soya bean meal consumption in the United States.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 2 No 4, September 2016, p29
Article - STRYDOM D (2016) Lows and highs of oil and seed markets.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 2 No 4, September 2016, p30-31
Article - STRYDOM D (2016) World oilseeds prices: Focus on the Southern Hemisphere.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 2 No 5, December 2016, p26-27
Article - STAFF REPORTER (2015) Canada boosts competitiveness of soya beans.
Farmer's Weekly, 24 April 2015, p17
Article - STRYDOM D (2015) Global oilseeds markets: Availability of stocks.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 1 No 1, April 2015, p21-23
Article - STRYDOM D (2014) "Oliesade-Oorsig: Vooruitsigte vir die internasionale oliesade-, olie- en oliekoekmark."
SA Grain, January 2014, p42-44
Article - LEMMER W (2014) "'n Grafiekoorsig van die wêreld vraag en aanbod vir koring, mielies en sojabone."
SA Grain, September 2014, p96-99
Article - KAROMBO S (2014) Global soya bean production expected to increase by 8%.
Farmer's Weekly, 14 November 2014, p17
Article - STRYDOM D (2013) "Hoë internasionale voorrade plaas druk op oliessaadpryse wêreldwyd."
SA Grain, December 2013, p37-38
Article - STRYDOM D (2013) "Noordelike Halfrond-onsekerhede plaas druk op Suid-Amerikaanse lande."
SA Grain, October 2013, p104, 106
Article - STRYDOM D (2013) "Wëreldvoorrade van oliesade bly laag."
SA Grain, January 2013, p32-33
Article - WILLEMSE J (2012) "Wêreld oes minder oliesade."
Landbouweekblad, 13 April 2012, p16-17
Article - STRYDOM D (2012) "Suid-Amerikaanse produksie kry swaar onder ongunstige weersomstandighede."
SA Grain, December 2012, p50-51
Article - WILLEMSE J (2012) "Oliesade-Oorsig: Oliesaadmarkte kry hupstoot van Suid-Amerikaanse droogte."
SA Grain, February 2012, p58-59
Article - WILLEMSE J (2011) "Onseker wêreld finansiële markte oorheers oliesademark."
SA Grain, December 2011, p46-47
Article - WILLEMSE J (2010) "Suid-Amerika begin met uitvoere van rekord soja-oeste."
SA Grain, May 2010, p74-75
Article - STAFF REPORTER (2009) World Crushings of soybeans set to increase by 7 Mn T in March/August 2010.
Oil World, No 50, Vol 52, 11 December 2009, p656-659
Article - BUCKLEY J (2009) Another narrow escape for soya.
International Market Review, September 2009, p15, 17
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