10. Sunflower
10.5 Cultivation practices
10.5.1 Soil tilage
- MILES N (2022) Three key strategies for improving rainfall effectivity and soil health.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 8 No 2, June 2022, p15, 17
Article - ADRIAANSE FG (2022) Superb solutions to meet micro-element requirements in oilseeds.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 8 No 3, September 2022, p39
Article - BUYS B (2021) An improved root system for higher yield.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 7 No 3, September 2021, p21
Article - NEL A, MA'ALI S (2019) The performance of sunflower under conservation agriculture.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 5 No 4, December 2019, p9, 11
Article - MOSHIA ME (2018) Site-specific management of in-field spatial and temporal variability of soils.
Oilseeds Focus, Vol 4 No 4, December 2018, p12-13
Article - KERZMAN J (2015) It starts with soil health.
The Sunflower, October / November 2014, p12-13
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