Canola work group meeting
held on 10 June 2021 by means of a virtual platform (MS Teams)
Dr Briedenhann chaired the meeting. He opened the meeting with prayer.
Dr Briedenhann welcomed everybody present.
Mr AP Theron Chairperson (joined at 11h00) Mr R Badenhorst Overberg Agri Ms R Beukes DAFF Mr K Blanckenberg Grain SA Mr J Bruwer Bayer Crop Science Dr E Briedenhann OAC Mr J Cloete Overberg Agri Mr C Cumming PRF Mr E Eksteen Syngenta Mr G Els K2 Mr J Kellerman Agricol Mr G Keun PRF Mr F Le Roux GSA Mr P Lombard DAWC Dr S Lamprecht ARC-PPRI Mr C Louw Grain SA Dr P Mathabe TIA Dr G Mostert US Mr C Müller Agricol Mr C Nell Overberg Agri Ms HM Schreuder US Ms L Smorenburg DAWC Mr Z Spammer SOILL Dr J Strauss DAWC Ms A Swanepoel DAWC Mr R Schoeman Pioneer Dr G van Coller DAWC Mr M van der Westhuizen Agricol Mr T Wessels Grain SA Ms M Du Preez PRF Ms S Brits PRF Apologies
Mr P Blom SSK Mr J Botes Agricol Mr A Britz Kimleigh Mr F Le Roux GSA Ms W Louw SAGL Mr K Meintjes DOW AgroScience Mr R Schutte The Livekindly Company Dr PA Swanepoel US Personal matters
The Chairperson acknowledged the passing of Mr Dirk Kok of SACOTA / AFMA and extended his condolences to his friends and family.
Confirmation of the agenda
The agenda was accepted, without any additions or amendments.
Approval of minutes
Minutes of a Canola Work Group meeting held on 26 August 2020
- That the minutes of the meeting of the Canola Work Group meeting, held on 26 August 2020, be approved.
Minutes of a Canola Work Group meeting held on 23 February 2021
- That the minutes of the meeting of the Canola Work Group meeting, held on 23 February 2021, be approved.
General overview and crop estimates
SAGIS information
The contents of the latest SAGIS Weekly Bulletin and of the latest Monthly Data were noted. Cognisance was taken that this and other data were published on the SAGIS website.
Crop estimates
Cognisance was taken of the Crop Estimate Committee's information presented by Ms R Beukes in respect of the canola area planted, canola production and the most important areas planted per district.
The Chairperson thanked Ms Beukes for her input.
Winter rainfall region
In respect of the Swartland, Mr Blanckenberg reported as follows:
- In April the Swartland area received only 3mm of rainfall;
- In May 90 mm rainfall was received;
- Good germination of canola as a result of the good rainfall; and
- Enough canola plants for a good harvest.
Southern Cape
In respect of the Southern Cape and Overberg, Mr Spammer reported:
- Both areas received a lot of rainfall especially in May;
- Good germination;
- Most fields have the optimal plants p/m²;
- Problems were experienced with late germination; and
- Harvest estimate is looking very promising.
It was mentioned that excessive snail damage had been experienced in the Southern Cape, as a result of the wet conditions.
A question arose as to whether tests could be done to determine whether the solubility of the snail pellets had not weakened.
Dr Briedenhann suggested that the question regarding the solubility of the snail pellets, be added to the to do list to investigate whether the snail pellets are effective as previously and to establish what the cause is of the higher percentage snails this year.
- That the matter regarding the solubility of the snail pellets, be added to the to do list to investigate whether the snail pellets are effective as previously and to establish what the cause is of the higher percentage snails this year.
Dr Briedenhann
Canola Work Group
Summer rainfall region
Eastern Cape
No report back.
Mr Theron joined the meeting.
Mr Theron reported on the trials planted in Groblersdal, Kroondal and on the Springbok flats. He referred to conditions of the trial at Kroondal and elaborate on the reasons why canola trials were planted in these areas.
From this point forward Mr Theron chaired the meeting.
Price information
Dr Briedenhann referred to the drop in soybean prices globally, the crop size in Brazil and the record high oil prices globally. He further referred to Soybean and Soybean meal prices in South Africa as well as the small sunflower crop. He mentioned that all this will impact on canola production and the prices of canola. Reference was made of the 30 000 ton canola export.
Mr Spammer gave feedback regarding SOILL's online platform, which had been launched. He mentioned that the prices will be communicated on 1 July 2021. All communication will be via the online platform and also be distributed via WhatsApp. He further mentioned there are 130 farmers already signed up on the platform.
Weather forecast
It be noted that the matter be held in abeyance until a suitable person is identified to assist and provide future reports at the Canola Work Group meetings.
- That Mr Keun launch an investigation to find a person, with a weather science background, to assist and provide future reports at the Canola Work Group meeting.
Mr Keun
Canola Work Group
- That Mr Keun launch an investigation to find a person, with a weather science background, to assist and provide future reports at the Canola Work Group meeting.
National cultivar trials 2021
Mr Lombard reported that they have finished planting the trials before the rainfall started in the Swartland and the Southern Cape. The germination in Swartland is very good and no problems with insects are experienced.
He further reported on the trials in the Southern Cape and mentioned that trials at Riversdale are looking good. Problems were experienced at Riversonderend, where one trial was waterlocked. With the other trial problems were experienced with insects and snails as well as the snail pellets which dissolved too quickly.
Mr Lombard gave feedback on the elite trials and mentioned both trials were planted in time.
He reported on the lupin trials which were planted at Eendekuil, Hopefield and Langgewens. The trials at Langgewens and Riverdale were looking good. At Riversonderend trials problems with insects and snails were experienced, especially the sweet lupins, which were replanted late.
The Chairperson thanked Mr Lombard for his contribution.
Research projects: 2021/2022
Mr Keun mentioned that at the previous meeting feedback was given regarding the projects funded during the 2020/2021 financial year by the PRF and the Oilseeds Advisory Committee. He reported that all administrative arrangements and contracts are in place between the research institutions and the PRF Offices.
No report back as it is too early in the season.
The Chairperson requested that if any Sclerotinia infections are encountered, it be report immediately to the PRF Office, to create awareness through the website as well as by Grain SA.
Damage: Clethodim
The Chairperson mentioned that Mr Cumming made the chemical companies aware of Clethodim damage at the Swartland information day.
Mr Cumming mentioned sufficient awareness were created at the information day and with articles published in the Canolafocus.
- That it be noted that producers will be kept informed about Clethodim continuously.
Mr Cumming
Canola Work Group
- That it be noted that producers will be kept informed about Clethodim continuously.
Dr van Coller gave feedback on the trials planted at Tygerhoek, Langgewens and Riversdale and mentioned that the same cultivars were planted as those planted in the National Cultivar Trials.
He mentioned that the first disease readings were done at Riversdale and Langgewens. He further reported problems experienced at Tygerhoek with low germination, as a result of too much rainfall and snail damage and that the trial had to be replanted.
Dr van Coller mentioned that the research work is on schedule and referred to the work still to be attended to.
The Chairperson reported on problems experienced with unregistered chemicals used for blackleg control. He requested Mr Cumming to publish an article in the Canolafokus regarding the guidelines.
- That Mr Cumming publish an article in the Canolafokus regarding the guidelines for the use of chemicals for blackleg control.
Mr Cumming
Canola Work Group
- That Mr Cumming publish an article in the Canolafokus regarding the guidelines for the use of chemicals for blackleg control.
Technology transfer
The meeting noted the articles published in the Canolafokus, included in the agenda as Annexure E. The Chairperson reported that the Canolafokus will also be distributed via WhatsApp, in future.
Information days 2021
Dr Strauss reported the following the Information Days and mentioned that the hosting of these days will depend on covid restrictions:
18 August Riversdale 25 August SKOG 4-6 August Conservation Agriculture Conference 3 September Hopefield The members will be kept informed regarding the farmer days.
Oilseeds Focus
The Chairperson reported that the Oilseeds Focus is available on the PRF website and had also been distributed via WhatsApp.
The canola market
It be noted that the matter was discussed at a previous discussion point.
Canola producers
Price and back payments
Mr Spammer reported that a back payment of R650 p/ton was made in April 2021 and mentioned that the minimum price for the new season is currently on R6 700. He referred to a further back payment during September 2021.
He further mentioned that he assisted with an article for the Canolafokus regarding the final price vs the minimum price contracts.
Canola Yield Competition
The Chairperson reported that the Canola Yield Competition will continue for the two regions, namely the Western Cape and Southern Cape. He referred to a discussion held with SOILL and mentioned that the online platform of SOILL will be used to make the process easier, more transparent and accessible for the producers.
Income and Cost Budgets
The meeting noted the Income and Cost Budgets, included in the agenda as Annexure F.
The Chairperson requested that producers use the Income and Budgets as a guideline and that any questions or comments be forwarded to Mr Keun. He further mentioned that there is a need to circulate the document more widely. This information will also be available at the PRF Office, on the website and distributed via WhatsApp.
SKOG: Future Planning
The Chairperson mentioned that SKOG will be made more user friendly in future. He appealed to all members of the working group to assist in creating awareness to make a success of SKOG.
TIA: Canola report
No progress is available on the planting of the trials in the Eastern Cape.
Mr Keun reported that this is a government initiative. He will try and obtain feedback on progress made by TIA and report back. He further mentioned that the feasibility study forms part of the project planning, which is the responsibility of the Department of Agricultural Eastern Cape.
- That the Canola Work Group be kept informed on progress in respect of the canola trials planted in the Eastern Cape.
Mr Keun
Canola Work Group
- That the Canola Work Group be kept informed on progress in respect of the canola trials planted in the Eastern Cape.
Alternative Crops
Cognisance was taken of the contents of presentation by Dr Briedenhann in respect of the Lupin study.
Mr Wessels requested permission to share Dr Briedenhann's presentation with the Lupin Work Group of Grain SA.
- That cognisance was taken of the contents of presentation by Dr Briedenhann in respect of the Lupin study.
Dr Briedenhann
Canola Work Group
- That cognisance was taken of the contents of presentation by Dr Briedenhann in respect of the Lupin study.
Chemicals and resistance
The Chairperson acknowledged the list of registered chemicals received from Mr Spammer.
Seed availability
Cognisance was taken that there will be sufficient canola seed available for the next season.
Seed germination
Cognisance was taken that no problems were reported with seed germination.
The Chairperson suggested that a new discussion point, 11.3 SACTA, be added to the agenda, only for feedback purposes at future meetings of the Work Group.
Additional matters
Magazine articles: canola
The meeting noted the contents of the canola related articles included as Annexure G, in the agenda.
Speakers considered for future canola meetings
The meeting noted that the following persons would be contacted to give presentations to future working group meetings:
- Mr D Lötter – Seed germination;
- Dr P Swanepoel – Optimal planting density for canola using precision seed placement and singulation technology;
- Ms I Crouse – to share results on her PhD study and;
- Mr A Liebenberg – Considerations for limiting soil for canola production: Soil tillage, placement, form and fineness of lime.
- That the following persons be approached to give presentations to future working group meetings:
- Mr D Lötter – Seed germination;
- Dr P Swanepoel – Optimal planting density for canola using precision seed placement and singulation technology;
- Ms I Crouse – to share results on her PhD study and;
- Mr A Liebenberg – Considerations for limiting soil for canola production: Soil tillage, placement, form and fineness of lime.
Mr Keun
Canola Planning Committee
Meeting dates
The meeting noted the following dates scheduled for the Canola Work Group meetings:
- 24 August 2021 (will be communicated to members of the Work Group)
- 1 December 2021
There being no further matters for discussion, the meeting was adjourned.