Income and Cost Budgets / Inkomste en kosteramings

Soybeans and maize 2011/2012 Sojabone en mielies

Mpumalanga (dryland / droëland)
Area / Gebied Kinross Middelburg
Crop / Gewas Soybeans
Cultivation system / Bewerkingstelsel No-till / Geen Minimum Conventional / Konvensioneel
Date SAFEX future price / Datum SAFEX termynkontrakprys 05/2011 07/2011 05/2011 07/2011
Yield / Opbrengs T/ha 2.00 5.30 2.50 5.60
Nett price at silo / Netto siloprys R/ton 3 459 1 572 3 450 1 545
  Safex R/ton 3 600 1 861 3 600 1 861
  Transport differential / Vervoerdifferensiaal R/ton 0 150 0 173
  Other marketing costs / Ander (i) R/ton 141 139 150 143
Gross income at silo / Bruto inkomste by silo R/ha 6 917 8 330 8 624 8 650
Variable costs / Veranderlike koste
Pre harvest cost / Vooroeskoste
Seed / Saad (ii) R/ha 463 991 661 991
  Own / Eie R/ha 309 0 296 0
  Purchased / Gekoop R/ha 154 991 365 991
Fertilizer / Bemesting (iii) R/ha 646 1 939 834 2 080
Lime / Kalk R/ha 77 77 65 65
Herbicides / Onkruiddoders R/ha 242 512 321 381
Pesticides and fungicides / Plaag- en swambeheermiddels R/ha 29 85 17 30
Casual labour / Los arbeid R/ha 0 77 0 86
Aero spray (contract) / Lugbespuiting (kontrak) R/ha 0 0 0 0
Crop insurance / Oesversekering R/ha 708 516 628 202
Mechanisation costs / Meganisasiekoste
  Fuel / Brandstof R/ha 109 270 384 364
  Repair and maintenance / Herstel en onderhoud R/ha 139 246 296 321
Interest on working capital / Rente op bedryfskapitaal (iv) R/ha 152 284 198 273
Harvesting costs / Oeskoste (v) R/ha 229 229 229 229
Total variable costs / Totaal veranderlike koste R/ha 2 793 5 227 3 634 5 022
Gross margin / Bruto marge R/ha 4 124 3 103 4 990 3 628
Labour costs / Gereelde arbeidskoste R/ha 200 200 241 200
Margin above labour costs / Marge na gereelde arbeidskoste R/ha 3 924 2 903 4 749 3 428
Own seed / Eie saad 90% 80%

Source: group discussions 2008. Adjusted with 2011 prices.
Bron: groepsbesprekings 2008. Aangepas met 2011 pryse.

  • Includes handling fee, commission, transport to silo, hedging and drying cost, if applicable.
    Sluit hanteringsfooi, kommissie, vervoer na silo, verskansings- en drogingskoste waar van toepassing in.
  • Includes cost of innoculants.
    Sluit saadbehandeling in.
  • Includes trace elements if applied.
    Sluit spoorelemente in, indien toegedien.
  • Interest calculated for part of production year. Interest rate: 11.50%.
    Rente bereken vir gedeelte van produksiejaar. Koers: 11.50%.
  • Includes self combine harvesting (fuel and repairs only).
    Eie stroper (slegs brandstof en reparasies).

Sensitivity analysis / Sensitiwiteitsanalises
Mpumalanga (dryland / droëland)

Yield / Opbrengs (ton/ha) 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40
SAFEX price / SAFEX prys (R/ton) Gross margin per ha (excluding permanent labour) / Bruto marge per ha (gereelde arbeid uitgesluit)
3 200 2 101 2 712 3 324 3 936 4 548
3 400 2 421 3 072 3 724 4 376 5 028
3 600 2 741 3 432 4 124 4 816 5 508
3 800 3 061 3 792 4 524 5 256 5 988
4 000 3 381 4 152 4 924 5 696 6 468
Yield / Opbrengs (ton/ha) 2.20 2.30 2.50 2.70 2.90
SAFEX price / SAFEX prys (R/ton) Gross margin per ha (excluding permanent labour) / Bruto marge per ha (gereelde arbeid uitgesluit)
3 200 3 075 3 380 3 990 4 600 4 905
3 400 3 515 3 840 4 490 5 140 5 465
3 600 3 955 4 300 4 990 5 680 6 025
3 800 4 395 4 760 5 490 6 220 6 585
4 000 4 835 5 220 5 990 6 760 7 145
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