Income and Cost Budgets / Inkomste en kosteramings

Canola, lupins and wheat 2006/2007 Canola, lupiene en koring

Southern Cape (SSC area) / Suid-Kaap (SSK-gebied) (i)
Area / Gebied Swellendam / Heidelberg
Crop / Gewas Canola Lupins
Yield / Opbrengs T/ha 1.20 1.50 2.00
  Nett farm price / Netto plaasprys R/ton 2 050.00 1 300.00 1 400.00
Gross income / Bruto inkomste R/ha 2 460.00 1 950.00 2 800.00
Variable costs / Veranderlike koste
Seed / Saad (ii) R/ha 167.41 252.00 252.80
Fertilizer / Kunsmis R/ha 591.00 208.00 358.00
Weed control / Onkruidbeheer R/ha 227.24 245.90 215.11
Pest control / Plaagbeheer R/ha 48.25 72.65 121.25
Energy / Brandstof R/ha 126.94 124.24 124.24
Repairs and maintenance / Herstelwerk en onderhoud R/ha 156.35 147.10 147.10
Interest on working capital / Rente op bedryfskapitaal (iii) R/ha 71.15 55.09 63.66
Total variable costs / Totaal veranderlike koste R/ha 1 388.34 1 104.98 1 282.16
Gross margin / Bruto marge R/ha 1 071.66 845.02 1 517.84
Labour costs / Gereelde arbeidskoste R/ha 136.45 136.45 136.45
Margin above labour costs / Marge na gereelde arbeidskoste R/ha 935.21 708.57 1 381.39
  • Budgets compiled for the 2007 production year. Input from producers and other experts were used.
    Begrotings opgestel vir die 2007 produksiejaar. Insette van produsente en ander kundiges is gebruik.
  • Cost of seed treatment is include.
    Koste van saadbehandeling is ingesluit.
  • Interest on working capital is calculated at 11.5% for variable periods per cost item.
    Rente op bedryfskapitaal is bereken teen 11.5% vir wisselende periodes per koste-item.
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