Gross margins for canola 2014/2015 Canola bruto marges
Area / Gebied | Caledon Riviersonderend |
Bredasdorp Napier | Swellendam Heidelberg | Sandveld | Southern / Suid-Swartland | Rooi Karoo | Middle / Middel-Swartland | |
Cultivation system / Bewerkingstelsel | Minimum | |||||||
Planting method / Plant metode | Planter | Planter | Planter | Sow/Saai | Planter | Sow/Saai | Planter | |
Yield / Opbrengs | T/ha | 1.75 | 1.65 | 1.45 | 0.80 | 1.80 | 1.00 | 1.50 |
Nett farm gate price / Netto prys plaashek | R/ton | 4 476 | 4 476 | 4 464 | 4 476 | 4 476 | 4 476 | 4 476 |
Contract / kontrak (i) | R/ton | 4 500 | 4 500 | 4 500 | 4 500 | 4 500 | 4 500 | 4 500 |
Transport differential / Vervoerdifferensiaal | R/ton | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Grade discounts / graaddiskonto | R/ton | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Other marketing costs / Ander (ii) | R/ton | 24 | 24 | 36 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 24 |
Gross income at farm gate / Bruto inkomste by plaashek | R/ha | 7 832 | 7 385 | 6 474 | 3 581 | 8 056 | 4 476 | 6 713 |
Variable costs / Veranderlike koste | ||||||||
Pre harvest cost / Vooroeskoste | ||||||||
Seed / Saad (iii) | R/ha | 675 | 675 | 540 | 720 | 810 | 720 | 774 |
Own / Eie | R/ha | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Purchased / Gekoop | R/ha | 675 | 675 | 540 | 720 | 810 | 720 | 774 |
Fertilizer / Bemesting (iv) | R/ha | 1 899 | 1 529 | 863 | 1 242 | 2 122 | 1 421 | 1 501 |
Lime / Kalk | R/ha | 73 | 107 | 173 | 99 | 150 | 150 | 150 |
Herbicides / Onkruiddoders | R/ha | 517 | 756 | 448 | 664 | 735 | 664 | 729 |
Pesticides and fungicides / Plaag- en swambeheermiddels | R/ha | 417 | 468 | 115 | 108 | 94 | 107 | 107 |
Crop insurance / Oesversekering | R/ha | 35 | 33 | 218 | 16 | 37 | 20 | 30 |
Tractors and implements / Trekkers en implemente (v) | ||||||||
Fuel / Brandstof | R/ha | 290 | 290 | 302 | 214 | 234 | 214 | 234 |
Repairs and maintenance / Herstel en onderhoud | R/ha | 449 | 449 | 482 | 177 | 316 | 177 | 316 |
Contract / Kontrakwerk | R/ha | 21 | 21 | 0 | 159 | 159 | 159 | 159 |
Casual labour / Los arbeid | R/ha | 5 | 5 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Interest on working capital / Rente op bedryfskapitaal (vi) | R/ha | 236 | 233 | 174 | 180 | 243 | 192 | 210 |
Harvesting costs / Oeskoste (vii) | R/ha | 329 | 329 | 335 | 209 | 208 | 209 | 208 |
Total variable costs / Totaal veranderlike koste | R/ha | 4 946 | 4 896 | 3 660 | 3 787 | 5 110 | 4 032 | 4 419 |
Gross margin / Bruto marge | R/ha | 2 886 | 2 489 | 2 813 | -207 | 2 947 | 443 | 2 294 |
Regular labour costs / Gereelde arbeidskoste | R/ha | 476 | 415 | 182 | 214 | 161 | 161 | 161 |
Margin above labour costs / Marge na gereelde arbeidskoste | R/ha | 2 410 | 2 074 | 2 631 | -421 | 2 785 | 282 | 2 133 |
- SAFEX price only applicable to wheat.
SAFEX-prys slegs van toepassing op koring. - Includes statutory levy on wheat, silo costs and transport to silo.
Sluit statutêre heffing, silokoste en vervoer na silo in. - Includes seed treatment.
Sluit saadbehandeling in. - Includes trace elements if used.
Sluit spoorelemente in indien toegedien. - Calculated according to guide to machinery costs.
Bereken volgens meganisasie kostegids. - Interest rate calculated over 6 months: 0.00%.
Rentekoers bereken vir 6 maande: 0.00%. - Includes self combine harvesting and "plat sny" if applicable (only fuel and repairs).
Eie stroper en platsnyer indien van toepassing (slegs brandstof en reparasies).