Research Report 2015/2016



Study grants and bursaries

Bursaries for Masters studies are awarded for a period of two years, and for three years in the case of Doctoral studies. Bursaries awarded by the Bursary Committee (a subcommittee of the Marketing Committee) during this year, were:

M.Sc studies

  1. Ms T Khahlu (second application): "Drought tolerance markers in soybean", University of Pretoria.
  2. Mr MN Engelbrecht (second application): "Afronding van beeste op aangeplante weidings met byvoeging van volvet kanola en/of ander hoë kwaliteit proteïenbron", Stellenbosch University.
  3. Mr W de Jager (first application): "An integrated model to project animal protein consumption in South Africa", University of the Free State.
  4. Ms KZ Neethling (first application): "Die effek van verskillende kombinasies van proteïen- en energiebronne op veselvertering van ruvoere", Stellenbosch University.
  5. Ms JA Engelbrecht (first application): "The evaluation of alternative protein sources (lupins, canola and canola oilcake) in ostrich nutrition", Stellenbosch University.
  6. Mr A Coetzee (first application): "Stikstof bo-bemesting op canola: Tyd en toedieningstempo's", Stellenbosch University.

PhD studies

  1. Ms M du Plessis (second application): "Molecular markers for drought tolerance in soybean", University of Pretoria.
  2. Ms E Jordaan (second application): "Epidemiology and population structure of Macrophomina phaseolina (Charcoal rot) on sunflower and soybean", University of Pretoria.
  3. Ms L van Emmenes (first application): "The use of fly larvae meal as an alternative protein source in the diets of monogastric animals, farmer, consumer and environment", Stellenbosch University.

Completed theses received

During the year under review the following theses were received from bursary recipients who had successfully completed their studies.

  1. Ms GC Buitendach: "Effect of long-term exposure to different dietary fatty acids on production and egg quality of layers", M.Sc, University of the Free State.
  2. Mr MN Engelbrecht: "The effect of supplements containing different protein and energy sources and essential oils on the performance of pasture finished heifers", M.Sc, Stellenbosch University.
  3. Mr HCvdW Leicester: "Effects of yeast based direct fed microbial supplementation on the performance of high producing dairy cows", M.Sc, University of Pretoria.