Income and Cost Budgets / Inkomste en kosteramings

Soybeans and maize 2006/2007 Sojabone en mielies

Free State – VKB area (dryland) / Vrystaat – VKB-gebied (droëland)
Area / Gebied Vrede / Frankfort Reitz / Behtlehem / Harrismith
Crop / Gewas Soybeans
Yield / Opbrengs T/ha 1.80 3.00 2.00 3.50
  Nett farm price / Netto plaasprys (i) R/ton 1 750.00 980.00 1 750.00 980.00
Gross income / Bruto inkomste R/ha 3 150.00 2 940.00 3 500.00 3 430.00
Variable costs / Veranderlike koste
Pre harvest cost / Vooroeskoste
Seed / Saad (ii) R/ha 575.40 260.00 575.72 302.00
Fertilizer / Bemesting (iii) R/ha 492.00 686.73 424.50 840.95
Weed control / Onkruidbeheer R/ha 211.00 277.05 255.14 178.59
Pest control / Plaagbeheer R/ha 36.38 69.25 51.60 105.81
Aero spray (contracted) / Lugbespuiting (kontrak) R/ha 75.00 0.00 75.00 0.00
Crop insurance / Oesversekering R/ha 483.16 112.20 546.32 169.40
Casual labour / Losarbeid R/ha 0.00 70.00 0.00 64.00
Energy / Brandstof R/ha 301.25 293.98 340.20 283.01
Repairs and maintenance / Herstelwerk en onderhoud R/ha 224.61 230.82 233.91 221.76
Interest on working capital / Rente op bedryfskapitaal (iv) R/ha 156.93 172.93 186.96 187.27
Harvest and marketing costs / Oes- en bemarkingskoste R/ha 229.45 351.20 196.70 311.44
Total variable costs / Totaal veranderlike koste R/ha 2 785.18 2 524.16 2 886.05 2 664.23
Gross margin / Bruto marge R/ha 364.82 415.84 613.95 765.77
Labour costs / Gereelde arbeidskoste R/ha 99.46 99.46 48.00 100.88
Margin above labour costs / Marge na gereelde arbeidskoste R/ha 265.36 316.38 565.95 664.89
  • Contract price for soyas offered by VKB for May 2006. Weighted SAFEX-price for white and yellow maize July 2007.
    Kontrakprys van sojabone deur VKB vir Mei 2006. Geweegde SAFEX-prys vir wit- en geelmielies.
  • Only 50% of the soy seed is purchased. Includes treatment costs of seed.
    Slegs 50% van sojasaad word gekoop. Sluit ook saadbehandeling in.
  • Includes cost of lime (cost of lime is spread over (3) years).
    Sluit koste van bekalking in (kalkkoste word oor drie (3) jaar versprei).
  • Interest is calculated at 11.75% for specified periods which differ between regions.
    Rente word bereken teen 11.75% vir gespesifiseerde periodes wat verskil van gebied tot gebied.
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