Short and medium term requirements for and usage for fishmeal and oilcake
(updated June 2003)

Table 1
Fishmeal and Oilcake balance sheet   (2001/2002-2003/2004) (April-March)
  Fishmeal (ton) Oilcake (ton)
Year 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004
Requirements / Sales 118 414 82 988 110 047 1 149 224 1 102 640 1 155 363
Available / Produced 128 000 122 000 122 000 482 448 538 093 538 093
Shortage / Imports -9 586 -39 012 -11 953 666 776 564 547 617 270

2003/2004 – Estimate
Source: Fishing industry / AFMA Chairman's Report 2000/2001 and 2001/2002

Table 2
Fishmeal and Oilcake usage   (2001/2002-2003/2004) (April-March)
  Fishmeal (ton) Oilcake (ton)
Year 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004
AFMA Members 100 652 70 540 93 540 796 977 816 934 855 996
Non-AFMA Members 17 762 12 448 16 507 352 247 285 706 299 367
Total 118 414 82 988 110 047 1 149 224 1 102 640 1 155 363

Source: AFMA Chairman's Report 2000/2001 and 2001/2002
2003/2004 – Estimate
Non-AFMA Members usage estimated at 15% of total fishmeal usage.
Non-AFMA Members usage estimated at 26% of total oilcake usage for 02/03.

Table 3
Fishmeal: local production and imports   (2001/2002-2003/2004) (April-March)
  Local (RSA + Namibia) Fishmeal production (ton) Imported Fishmeal (ton)
Year 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004
RSA 115 000 110 000 110 000
Namibia 13 000 12 000 12 000
Total 128 000 122 000 122 000 -9 586 -39 012 -11 953

Source: AFMA; SA Fishmeal Marketing Company
2003/2004 – Estimate

Table 4
Oilcake: local production and imports   (2001/2002-2003/2004)
Local Oilcake production (ton) Imported Oilcake (ton)
Year 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004
Groundnuts oilcake 7 437 8 025
Sunflower oilcake 271 740 352 817 67 151
Soy cake 38 445 14 406 459 266
– Full fat 103 075 113 992 15 807
– Beans
Cotton cake 25 945 14 030 91 025
– Full fat 5 306 2 870 24 565
Other 8 610
Canola 14 162 20 790
Lupins 16 338 11 163
Copra and Palm Kernel 352
Total 482 448 538 093 538 093 666 776 561 907

Source: AFMA Chairman's Report 2000/2001 and 2001/2002
2003/2004 – Estimate

Table 5
The Main Raw Material usage by AFMA-members   (2001/2002-2003/2004) (April-March)
  Total (ton) Inclusion rate (%) Total (ton) Inclusion rate (%) Total (ton) Inclusion rate (%)
Raw Materials 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004
Sunflower oilcake 232 460 5.71 212 359 5.18 272 676 6.76
Groundnuts oilcake 4 942 0.12 7 386 0.18 4 080 0.10
Soy oilcake 368 054 9.06 413 443 11.07 332 700 8.25
Full fat soy 127 492 3.18 121 426 2.96 133 236 3.30
Cotton oilcake 43 216 1.03 44 939 1.09 91 284 2.26
Full fat cotton 10 525 0.26 6 768 0.16 6 804 0.17
Canola oilcake 8 347 0.15 7 514 0.18 9 624 0.23
Total oilcake 796 977 19.53 816 934 19.90 855 996 21.21
Total maize products 2 227 979 55.58 2 268 560 55.27 2 262 720 56.08
Total fishmeal 100 652 2.48 70 540 1.72 93 540 2.32

Source: AFMA Chairman's Report 2000/2001 and 2001/2002
AFMA raw material usage April 2003 to March 2004.
* Note: total oilcake in Table 4 include all oilcake and not only specific oilcake items listed in Table 4.

Table 6
Oilseed and Grain production in the RSA (ton)   (1999/2000-2003/2004 marketing season)
Crop 1999/2000 2000/2001 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004
White maize 4 664 000 6 154 500 4 109 790 5 078 000 5 674 570
Yellow maize 2 681 000 3 986 440 3 115 350 3 386 000 3 220 975
Sorghum 155 950 352 450 175 580 208 000 185 978
Groundnuts 98 250 113 550 183 840 120 200 66 205
Sunflower 1 109 000 530 625 638 320 932 000 710 380
Soybeans 188 367 148 720 209 705 216 000 146 350
Cotton seed¹ 77 280 40 537 34 438 36 530 25 714
Wheat 1 725 000 2 122 440 2 492 880 2 320 745
Sweet lupins 13 000 17 360 16 338 11 700
Canola 23 000 26 549 25 750 37 975

Source: National Crop Estimates Committee; Final estimate for winter crops (20 February 2003) and fifth production estimate for summer crops for the 2003/2004 marketing year (19 June 2003).
SAGIS; ¹ Cotton South Africa

Table 7
Oilseed and Grain supply in the RSA (ton)   (2003/2004 marketing season)
Crop Opening stock Imports to RSA Production Total supply
White maize 1 236 000 0 5 723 000 6 959 000
Yellow maize 300 000 200 000 3 248 000 3 748 000
Sorghum 41 000 60 000 195 000 296 000
Groundnuts 39 300 0 66 000 105 300
Sunflower 283 000 0 708 000 991 000
Soybeans 105 000 0 148 000 253 000
Wheat 580 000 610 000 2 342 000 3 532 000

Source: Opening stock, import and production figures obtained from Grain South Africa.
Maize production figures differ from the NCEC figures as GSA includes early deliveries in their opening stocks. Wheat supply figures refer to the 2002/2003 marketing season.

Table 8
Area planted to Oilseed and Grain crops in the RSA   (1998/1999-2003/2004 production season)
  Ha Planted
Crop 1998/1999 1999/2000 2000/2001 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004
White maize 1 829 700 2 003 000 1 596 005 1 721 580 2 083 350
Yellow maize 1 075 000 1 227 440 1 111 900 1 111 000 1 017 000
Sorghum 98 900 142 200 88 300 75 000 84 610
Groundnuts 94 550 82 600 165 250 94 160 50 300
Sunflower 828 000 396 350 521 695 645 510 627 950
Soybeans 130 500 93 787 134 150 124 150 108 000
Wheat 748 000 718 000 860 000 959 400 941 100 833 200
Sweet lupins 16 300 19 000 14 705 14 785 11 000 13 500
Canola 17 000 25 000 19 145 27 000 33 000 44 900

Source: National Crop Estimates Committee; Area estimate for summer crops 2002/2003 production season. Final area estimate for winter crops 2002/2003 production season. Revised intention to plant winter crops 2003/2004 production season.

Table 9
Note on Marketing Season for Summer and Winter crops
Crops Season
White maize May-April
Yellow maize May-April
Sorghum April-March
Groundnuts March-February
Sunflower January-December
Soybeans January-December
Wheat October-September