Short and medium term requirements for and usage for fishmeal and oilcake
(updated September 2004)

Table 1
Fishmeal and Oilcake balance sheet   (2002/2003-2004/2005) (April-March)
  Fishmeal (ton) Oilcake (ton)
Year 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005
Requirements / Sales 82 988 127 000 127 000 1 210 396 1 200 000 1 200 000
Available / Produced 123 000 122 000 147 000 472 311 417 360 417 360
Shortage / Imports -40 012 5 000 -20 000 738 085 782 640 782 640

2004/2005 – Estimate
Source: Fishing industry / AFMA Chairman's Report 2001/2002 and 2002/2003

Table 2
Fishmeal and Oilcake usage   (2002/2003-2004/2005) (April-March)
  Fishmeal (ton) Oilcake (ton)
Year 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005
AFMA Members 70 540 114 402 117 468 816 934 785 630 802 443
Non-AFMA Members 12 448 12 598 9 532 393 462 414 370 397 557
Total 82 988 127 000 127 000 1 210 396 1 200 000 1 200 000

Source: AFMA Chairman's Report 2001/2002 and 2002/2003
2004/2005 – Estimate
Non-AMFA members figures can also include unused stocks.

Table 3
The Main Raw Material usage by AFMA-members   (2002/2003-2004/2005) (April-March)
  Total (ton) Inclusion rate (%) Total (ton) Inclusion rate (%) Total (ton) Inclusion rate (%)
Raw Materials 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005
Sunflower oilcake 212 359 5.18 273 019 6.51 226 170 5.29
Groundnuts oilcake 7 386 0.18 1 762 0.04 1 158 0.03
Soy oilcake 413 443 11.07 364 882 8.70 459 366 10.75
Full fat soy 121 426 2.96 88 950 2.12 55 248 1.29
Cotton oilcake 44 939 1.09 38 044 0.91 43 050 1.01
Full fat cotton 6 768 0.16 4 692 0.11 3 744 0.09
Canola oilcake 7 514 0.18 6 490 0.15 5 940 0.14
Full fat canola 1 353 0.03 2 511 0.06
Total oilcake 816 934 19.90 785 630 18.74 802 443 18.77
Total maize products 2 268 560 55.27 2 344 042 55.91 2 437 512 57.03
Total fishmeal 70 540 1.72 114 402 2.73 117 468 2.75

Source: AFMA Chairman's Report 2001/2002 and 2002/2003
AFMA raw material usage April 2004 to March 2005.
* Note: total oilcake in Table 3 include all oilcake and not only specific oilcake items listed in Table 3.

Table 4
Fishmeal: local production and imports   (2002/2003-2004/2005) (April-March)
  Local (RSA + Namibia) Fishmeal production (ton) Imported Fishmeal (ton)
Year 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005
RSA 110 000 110 000 135 000
Namibia 13 000 12 000 12 000
Total 123 000 122 000 147 000 -40 012 5 000 -20 000

Source: AFMA; SA Fishmeal Marketing Company
2004/2005 – Estimate

Table 5
Oilcake: local production and imports   (2002/2003-2004/2005)
Local Oilcake production (ton) Imported Oilcake (ton)
Year 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005
Groundnuts oilcake 8 132 8 025 8 025
Sunflower oilcake 293 328 296 814 296 814 14 112
Soy cake 7 440 562 552
– Full fat 112 560 72 256 72 256 22 800
– Beans
Cotton cake 16 781 13 041 13 041 88 921
– Full fat 1 485 24 474
Other 25 226
Canola 20 885 22 424 22 424
Lupins 11 700 4 800 4 800
Copra and Palm Kernel
Total 472 311 417 360 417 360 738 085 782 641 782 641

Source: AFMA Chairman's Report 2001/2002 and 2002/2003
2004/2005 – Estimate
The projected local production figures for soy and cotton reflect full fat and oilcake.

Table 6
Oilseed and Grain production in the RSA (ton)   (2000/2001-2004/2005 marketing season)
Crop 2000/2001 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005
White maize 6 154 500 4 109 790 5 078 000 6 371 000 5 216 150
Yellow maize 3 986 440 3 115 350 3 386 000 3 019 000 3 262 700
Sorghum 352 450 175 580 208 000 219 700 317 370
Groundnuts 113 550 183 840 120 200 60 000 92 115
Sunflower 530 625 638 320 932 000 642 075 619 900
Soybeans 148 720 209 705 216 000 136 500 210 885
Cotton seed ¹ 40 537 34 438 36 530 29 278 44 480
Wheat 2 122 440 2 492 880 2 320 745 1 428 150 2 029 650
Sweet lupins 17 360 16 338 11 700 4 040 7 100
Canola 26 549 25 750 37 975 40 770 52 875

Source: National Crop Estimates Committee; First estimate for winter crops (18 August 2004) and seventh production estimate for summer crops for the 2004/2005 marketing year (18 August 2004).
SAGIS; ¹ Cotton South Africa

Table 7
Oilseed and Grain supply in the RSA (ton)   (2004/2005 marketing season)
Crop Opening stock Imports to RSA Production Total supply
White maize 2 123 000 0 5 216 000 7 339 000
Yellow maize 510 000 180 000 3 263 000 3 953 000
Sorghum 49 000 0 317 000 366 000
Groundnuts 16 700 20 000 92 000 128 700
Sunflower 125 000 17 000 620 000 762 000
Soybeans 48 700 19 000 211 000 278 700
Wheat 517 000 840 000 2 030 000 3 387 000
Canola 7 270 0 52 800 60 070

Source: Opening stock, import and production figures obtained from Grain South Africa.

Table 8
Area planted to Oilseed and Grain crops in the RSA   (1999/2000-2004/2005 production season)
  Ha Planted
Crop 1999/2000 2000/2001 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005
White maize 2 003 000 1 596 005 1 721 580 2 234 350 1 727 600
Yellow maize 1 227 440 1 111 900 1 111 000 950 350 918 000
Sorghum 142 200 88 300 75 000 95 100 118 750
Groundnuts 82 600 165 250 94 160 49 850 62 300
Sunflower 396 350 521 695 645 510 605 750 526 125
Soybeans 93 787 134 150 124 150 100 150 122 260
Wheat 718 000 860 000 959 400 941 100 748 000 851 200
Sweet lupins 19 000 14 705 14 785 11 000 10 100 7 100
Canola 25 000 19 145 27 000 33 000 44 200 46 000

Source: National Crop Estimates Committee; Seventh area estimate for summer crops 2003/2004 production season (18 August 2004). Revised area estimate for winter crops 2004/2005 production season (18 August 2004).

Table 9
Note on Marketing Season for Summer and Winter crops
Crops Season
White maize May-April
Yellow maize May-April
Sorghum April-March
Groundnuts March-February
Sunflower January-December
Soybeans January-December
Wheat October-September