Research Report 2012/2013
Study grants
Since the start of the study grant (bursary) scheme eighteen years ago (1995), the PRF has awarded 63 grants to deserving candidates. The grants are awarded specifically to those studying to attain a Masters or Doctoral degree. For the 2012 academic year the Grant Committee received nine applications. Of these applications seven were approved for the 2012 academic year.
In the case of a Masters degree, the prospective candidate's study field must fall within the broad guidelines of the PRF vision, mission and objectives. In the case of doctoral studies, grants are considered only if the study field falls within a category that is considered a high priority at the PRF. The PRF also does everything possible to ensure that the results of the theses and scripts will reach potential users of the information. Students and study leaders are encouraged to publish results in popular and/or scientific journals or magazines. Brief summaries of the theses and scripts are included on the PRF web page.
The applicants mentioned below received annual grants valued at R35 000. Bursaries for Masters studies are awarded for a period of two years, while doctoral bursaries are awarded for a period of three years. At the end of each year of approved study, the study leader must submit proof of satisfactory progress for the PRF to award the grant for the succeeding year of study.
- Mr PD Carstens (second application), "Animal feed and meat science" ("Dierevoeding and Vleiskunde)", Stellenbosch University.
- Mr FV Meyer (second application), "The response of weaned piglets to varying dietary levels of synthetic valine and leucine", University of Pretoria.
- Ms M du Plessis (second application), "Soybean nodule development", University of Pretoria.
- Ms MP Genis (first application), "Ruminant Nutrition" ("Herkouer Voeding"), Stellenbosch University.
- Ms L van Emmenes (first application), "Monogastric Nutrition" ("Monogastriese voeding"), Stellenbosch University.
- Mr R Steyn (first application), "Canola oil" ("Canola-olie"), University of the Free State.
- Ms GA Tesselaar (first application), "Monogastric Nutrition" ("Monogastriese voeding"), Stellenbosch University.
Completed theses received
During the year under review, the following theses were received from graduating PRF grant recipients:
- Mr SB Ruck, "The response of broiler breeder hens to dietary lysine: hatchability, embryo growth and subsequent offspring performance"; M.Sc, University of KwaZulu-Natal.
- Ms AM Jooste, "The effect of supplementing slow release nitrogen (optigen II) and FME on the degradability of poor quality roughage in sheep"; M.Sc, University of Pretoria.
- Mr WJ Kritzinger, "Allometric description of ostrich (Strubio camelus var. Dometricus) growth and development"; M.Sc, Stellenbosch University.
- Mr FV Meyer, "The response of weaned piglets to varying dietary levels of synthetic valine and leucine"; M.Sc, University of Pretoria.