Research Report 2014/2015



Achievement awards to promote the PRF's vision and mission

Each year the PRF also acknowledges individuals and organisations that contributed significantly during the year in support of the PRF vision and mission, as well as in attaining the PRF objectives.

The awards fall within the following categories:

  • Best Doctoral thesis
  • Best Master's thesis
  • Best article in a scientific journal
  • Person that have made an exceptional contribution in promoting the PRF vision and mission;
  • A PRF Board Member that played a meaningful role in promoting the PRF activities; and
  • Organisation / individual that played a significant role to assist the PRF in achieving its objectives.

During the year under review, two people in two categories received awards:

  • A person that have made an exceptional contribution in promoting the PRF vision and mission

    Mr JSG Joubert, PRF Trustee
  • Best Master's thesis

    Mr PD Carstens, "Studies to develop a mathematical optimisation model to describe the effect of nutrition on the growth of ostriches (struthio camelus var. domesticus)

Both awards were handed to the recipients at special events during the year under review.