Income and Cost Budgets / Inkomste en kosteramings

Canola and wheat February 2011 Februarie Canola en koring

Swartland (Cape Agri and MKB areas / Kaap Agri en MKB gebiede)
Area / Gebied Moorreesburg Malmesbury Porterville
Crop / Gewas Canola Wheat
Canola Wheat
Canola Wheat
Cultivation system / Bewerkingstelsel Minimum
Date December SAFEX price / Datum Desember SAFEX prys (i) 07/03/2011 (i) 07/03/2011 (i) 07/03/2011
Yield / Opbrengs T/ha 1.25 2.70 1.35 2.80 1.25 2.70
Net Farm Gate Price / Netto Prys Plaashek R/ton 3 994 2 395 2 989 2 316 3 993 2 320
  SAFEX Contract / Kontrakprys (ii) R/ton 4 574 3 050 4 536 3 050 4 546 3 050
  Transport differential / Vervoerdifferensiaal R/ton 0 420 0 420 0 420
  Transport to Buyer / Vervoer tot by Koper R/ton 185 0 180 0 190 0
  Grade Discounts / Graaddiskonto R/ton 0 149 0 223 0 223
  Other marketing costs / Ander (iii) R/ton 395 86 367 91 363 87
Gross Farm Gate Income / Bruto Inkomste by Plaashek R/ha 4 992 6 466 5 386 6 486 4 991 6 263
Variable costs / Veranderlike koste
Pre harvest cost / Vooroeskoste
Seed / Saad (iv) R/ha 241 384 218 333 207 367
  Own / Eie R/ha 7 213 8 153 6 169
  Purchased / Gekoop R/ha 234 171 211 180 201 198
Fertilizer / Bemesting (v) R/ha 1 101 1 326 1 161 1 357 919 1 402
Lime / Kalk R/ha 95 95 108 108 114 114
Herbicides / Onkruiddoders R/ha 408 302 371 454 310 360
Pesticides and Fungicides / Plaag- en Swambeheermiddels R/ha 54 176 31 201 72 203
Crop Insurance / Oesversekering R/ha 0 27 32 27 34 26
Tractor and Implements / Trekker en Implemente (vi)
  Fuel / Brandstof R/ha 172 182 202 235 219 235
  Repairs and Maintenance / Herstelwerk en Onderhoud R/ha 195 210 228 267 197 252
Contractor / Kontrakteur R/ha 210 126 105 105 105 108
Casual Labour / Los arbeid R/ha 0 0 0 0 0 0
Interest on Working Capital / Rente op Bedryfskapitaal (vii) R/ha 135 157 142 172 124 171
Harvest Costs / Oeskoste (viii) R/ha 298 290 362 290 290 290
Total Variable Costs / Totaal Veranderlike Koste R/ha 2 909 3 273 2 960 3 547 2 590 3 527
Gross Margin / Bruto Marge R/ha 2 083 3 194 2 426 2 939 2 401 2 736
Labour Costs / Gereelde Arbeidskoste R/ha 214 214 161 161 161 161
Margin Above Labour Costs / Marge na Gereelde Arbeidskoste R/ha 1 869 2 979 2 265 2 778 2 240 2 575

Source: group discussions with farmers and officials. Inputs by Cape Agri with respect to Malmesbury and Porterville.
Bron: groepbesprekings met boere en beamptes. Insette deur Kaap Agri tov Malmesbury en Porterville.

  • Canola prices unknown during drafting of budgets. Estimates were made of new prices.
    Canola nie bekend tydens opstel van begroting. Ramings is gemaak van nuwe prys.
  • Safex price only applicable to wheat.
    Safex prys slegs van toepassing op koring.
  • Includes statutory levy on wheat, silo costs and transport to silo.
    Sluit statutêre heffing, silokoste en vervoer na silo in.
  • Includes treatment of seed.
    Sluit saadbehandeling in.
  • Includes trace elements if used.
    Sluit spoorelemente in indien toegedien.
  • Calculated according to guide to machinery costs.
    Berekend volgens meganisasie kostegids.
  • Interest rate: 10.50%.
    Rentekoers: 10.50%.
  • Includes self combine harvesting and "plat sny" if applicable (only fuel and repairs).
    Eie stroper en platsny indien van toepassing (slegs brandstof en reparasies).

Sensitivity analysis / Sensitiwiteitsanalises

Yield / Opbrengs (ton/ha) 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40
Contract price / Kontrak prys Gross margin R/ha (excluding permanent labour) / Bruto marge R/ha (arbeid uitgesluit)
3 600 906 1 087 1 627 1 807 2 167
3 800 727 1 307 1 877 2 067 2 447
4 000 1 127 1 527 2 083 2 327 2 727
4 200 1 327 1 747 2 377 2 587 3 007
4 400 1 527 1 967 2 627 2 847 3 287
Yield / Opbrengs (ton/ha) 1.10 1.20 1.35 1.40 1.50
Contract price / Kontrak prys Gross margin R/ha (excluding permanent labour) / Bruto marge R/ha (arbeid uitgesluit)
3 600 1 035 1 395 1 935 2 115 2 475
3 800 1 255 1 635 2 205 2 395 2 775
4 000 1 475 1 875 2 426 2 675 3 075
4 200 1 695 2 115 2 745 2 955 3 375
4 400 1 915 2 355 3 015 3 235 3 675
Yield / Opbrengs (ton/ha) 1.00 1.10 1.25 1.30 1.40
Contract price / Kontrak prys Gross margin R/ha (excluding permanent labour) / Bruto marge R/ha (arbeid uitgesluit)
3 600 1 056 1 416 1 956 2 136 2 496
3 800 1 256 1 636 2 206 2 396 2 776
4 000 1 456 1 856 2 401 2 656 3 056
4 200 1 656 2 076 2 706 2 916 3 336
4 400 1 856 2 296 2 956 3 176 3 616
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