Crop summary 2014/2015 Gewas opsomming

Soybean gross margins: dryland / Sojaboon bruto marges: droëland
Area / Gebied KwaZulu-
Mpumalanga NWK Free State
Bloed­rivier Piet Retief Trichardt Koster Lichten­burg Frank­fort Reitz
Cultivation system / bewerkingstelsel Conv.
Yield / Opbrengs T/ha 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.40 2.00
Nett farm price / Netto plaasprys R/ton 4 560 4 483 4 483 4 588 4 485 4 485 4 574 4 580
  Safex R/ton 4 675 4 675 4 675 4 675 4 675 4 675 4 675 4 675
  Transport differential / Vervoerdifferensiaal R/ton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Other marketing costs / Ander R/ton 115 192 192 87 190 190 101 95
Gross income / Bruto inkomste R/ha 9 120 11 207 11 207 11 470 8 970 6 728 6 403 9 180
Variable costs / Veranderlike koste
Pre harvest cost / Vooroeskoste
Seed / Saad R/ha 754 684 684 1 106 926 968 447 737
  Own / Eie R/ha 359 302 302 194 207 184 183 137
  Purchased / Gekoop R/ha 395 382 382 912 718 783 264 600
Fertilizer / Bemesting R/ha 66 1 379 1 379 110 1 085 1 004 0 915
Lime / Kalk R/ha 224 440 440 81 45 31 0 0
Herbicides / Onkruiddoders R/ha 457 384 375 486 341 341 420 1 168
Pesticides and fungicides / Plaag- en swambeheermiddels R/ha 163 165 165 18 136 136 694 451
Casual Labour / Los arbeid R/ha 0 0 0 0 93 95 0 0
Aero spray (contract) / Lugbespuiting (kontrak) R/ha 0 0 0 0 0 0 153 153
Crop insurance / Oesversekering R/ha 1 003 504 504 835 807 471 753 1 075
Mechanisation costs / Meganisasiekoste
  Fuel / Brandstof R/ha 408 236 600 140 562 567 499 600
  Repairs and maintenance / Herstelwerk en onderhoud R/ha 378 262 397 218 412 413 277 337
Interest on working capital / Rente op bedryfskapitaal R/ha 187 217 241 163 235 215 179 289
Harvesting costs / Oeskoste R/ha 290 278 278 273 818 748 347 336
Total variable costs / Totaal veranderlike koste R/ha 3 931 4 550 5 064 3 431 5 461 4 989 3 769 6 061
Gross Margin / Bruto Marge R/ha 5 189 6 656 6 143 8 040 3 509 1 739 2 634 3 098
Regular Labour Costs / Gereelde Arbeidskoste R/ha 173 267 267 360 295 291 310 468
Margin above labour costs
Marge na gereelde arbeidskoste
R/ha 5 017 6 389 5 876 7 680 3 214 1 448 2 324 2 631
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