Research Report 2000/2001



Achievement awards for promoting the PRF's vision and mission

Besides financial donations for research, technology transfer and bursaries, the PRF also makes provision for performance awards. Performance awards entail a sum of R5 000 as well as a certificate and are awarded in respect of the following categories:

  • Best thesis for a Doctorate.
  • Best thesis for a Masters degree.
  • Best scientific paper.
  • A person who made an exceptional contribution towards promoting the PRF's vision and mission.

With the first two categories the PRF strives to encourage post-graduate students to focus on high quality subjects that contribute towards achievement of the PRF's objectives, while the third category is intended to encourage researchers to publish their research results.

With the fourth category the PRF aims to acknowledge those people who have made exceptional contributions within the field of technology transfer.

During the report year two Masters theses and three scientific papers were submitted for consideration, while two persons were nominated for a performance award. The following three awards were made:

  • Erlanda Upton

    "Development and evaluation of polymer coated urea as a potential slow-release urea supplement for ruminants.", M.Sc-Thesis, Stellenbosch University.

  • Dr T Brand

    "The true metabolisable energy content of canola oilcake meal and full-fat canola seed for ostriches.", Scientific paper, Chief Directorate Agriculture, Western Cape (Elsenburg).

  • Mr L Killian

    PRF contractor KwaZulu-Natal – award for his excellent handling of the comprehensive research programme with soybeans and lupins as well for promoting production of these two crops in this province.

All three awards were presented at appropriate occasions.