Yield Gap Analysis: Identifying and quantifying yield limiting factors for soybean production in South Africa.
MA Smit |
ARC-Grain Crops Institute |
"Nasionale sojabooncultivarevaluasieproewe."
MA Smit |
ARC-Grain Crops Institute |
"Die ontwikkeling van sojabooncultivars met beter aanpassing en saadkwaliteit."
AJ de Lange |
ARC-Grain Crops Institute |
"Die ontwikkeling van die produksie-tegnologie van soet witlupien in die somerreënvalgebiede."
JAM van der Mey |
ARC-Grain Crops Institute |
Supersoya yield competition.
MA Smit |
ARC-Grain Crops Institute |
"Seleksie en teling vir weerstand teen antraknose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) in kiemplasma van Lupinus albus en die ontwikkeling van kommersiële antraknose bestande cultivars."
JAM van der Mey |
ARC-Grain Crops Institute |
Isolation and characterization of the gene complex regulating the response of soybean (Glycine max (L.) merr.) to water deprevation, salinity stress and temperature extremes.
J van Staden and WA Cress |
University of KwaZulu-Natal |
Should animals be fed to their genetic potential if this potential is redused by stress.
RM Gous |
University of KwaZulu-Natal |
"Optimale plantmetodes vir olie- en proteïensaadgewasse vir die Wes- en Suid-Kaap."
GA Agenbag |
Stellenbosch University |
"Biologiese stikstofbinding by sojabone: Entingsprobleme."
JF Bloem |
ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute |
The extent and role of lupin and canola soilborne diseases on yield depression: a prerequisite for developing an affective and sustainable control strategy.
SC Lamprecht |
ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute |
Pathological characterization and selection of lupin anthracnose strain(s) to be used in resistance screening.
SH Koch |
ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute |
Genetic engineering of lupins (Lupinus sp.) for resistance to anthracnose.
TG Watson |
CSIR Bio / Chemtek |
"Die verbetering van sojaboonvarieteite ten opsigte van proteïeninhoud en opbrengs deur middel van teling en seleksie."
JM Lindeque |
Carnia Seed / Monsanto |
"Kultivarevaluasie van olie- en proteïensade in die WRS (canola en lupiene)."
D Hanekom |
Chief Directorate Agriculture: Western Cape |
"Kwantifisering van die energiewaardes en samestelling van potensiële alternatiewe proteienbronne."
TS Brand |
Chief Directorate Agriculture: Western Cape |
Application of feed enzymes to sweet lupin, full-fat canola and canola oilcake meal containing diets for broilers and weaning piglets.
TS Brand |
Chief Directorate Agriculture: Western Cape |
An investigation into the production dynamics of eight crop rotation systems, including wheat, canola, lupins and pasture species in the Swartland, Western Cape.
MB Hardy |
Chief Directorate Agriculture: Western Cape |
"Super Sojakompetisie, KwaZulu-Natal."
C Havenga |
Department of Agriculture & Environmental Affairs, KwaZulu-Natal |
The effect of enhanced proline synthesis in soybean, with special reference to drought stress, comparing antisense and sense technology.
JA de Ronde |
ARC-Roodeplaat Vegetable and Ornamental Plant Institute |
Evaluation and standardisation of analytical methods for determining the degree of soya processing and the estimation of the available lysine content in soya.
D Palic |
ARC-Animal Nutrition & Animal Products Institute |
Vacuum infiltration of lupin seed for genetic engneering for resistance to anthracnose.
JA de Ronde |
ARC-Roodeplaat Vegetable & Ornamental Plant Institute |
Epidemiology of blackleg on canola in the winter rainfall region of South Africa: a prerequisite for sustainable disease management.
EE Auret |
ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute |