Navorsingsverslag 2000/2001

Bylae II

Navorsingstitels is gelys in die taal waarin die studie gedoen is.
Lys van projekte wat gedurende 2000/2001 afgehandel is
Titel en Navorser Instansie
"Isolation and characterization of the gene complex regulating the response of soybean (Glycine max (L.) merr.) to water deprevation, salinity stress and temperature extremes."
J van Staden en WA Cress
Universiteit van KwaZulu-Natal
"Should animals be fed to their genetic potential if this potential is redused by stress."
RM Gous
Universiteit van KwaZulu-Natal
Biologiese stikstofbinding by sojabone: Entingsprobleme.
JF Bloem
LNR-Navorsingsinstituut vir Plantbeskerming
Kwantifisering van die energiewaardes en samestelling van potensiële alternatiewe proteienbronne.
TS Brand
Hoofdirektoraat Landbou: Wes-Kaap
Identifikasie van molekulêre merkers wat gekoppel is aan aalwurmweerstand in sojabone.
CMS Mienie
LNR-Instituut vir Graangewasse
"Response of soybean to temperature stress and its intraction with light intensity evaluated by photosystem II function, photosynthetic gas exchange and xantophyll cycle activity."
GHJ Krüger
Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys
"Increasing soybean yields through control of soybean mosaic virus by identification of resistance sources."
G Pietersen
LNR-Navorsingsinstituut vir Plantbeskerming
"Identification, pathogenicity and control of lupin anthracnose in South Africa."
SH Koch
LNR-Navorsingsinstituut vir Plantbeskerming
Evaluering van die wisselwerking tussen gronde en simbiotiese stikstofbinding by sojabone.
DJ Beukes
LNR-Instituut vir Grond, Klimaat en Water
Deterministiese modellering van die lupien- en canola-produksiepotensiaal van die Wes-Kaap.
MG Wallace
Hoofdirektoraat Landbou: Wes-Kaap
"Use of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to determine the chemical composition and energy contents of raw materials (including different protein sources)."
TS Brand
Hoofdirektoraat Landbou: Wes-Kaap
"In vitro regeneration of Lupinus albus cv Cedara 6150 and Lupinus angustifolius cv Tanjil."
TG Watson
WNNR Bio / Chemtek
"A model to predict the usage of agricultural products for the feeding of livestock in South Africa (APR-model)."
E Briedenhann
Universiteit van KwaZulu-Natal
Die omvang, belangrikheid en potensiaal van die lusernbedryf in die RSA.
HD van Schalkwyk
Universiteit van die Vrystaat